Thursday, 16 July 2015

Young Minds

                                                           Young Minds 

Young Minds dedicates itself to heloign young people with mental health issues. "Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Driven by their experiences we campaign, research and influence policy and practice."  Young Minds don't just support young people, but they support schools, parents, carers and the local communities and government in the proper handling, taking care and assistance needed when helping people suffering with mental health, instead of treating them like criminals.

In todays lesson we got meet a couple of Young Minds advocates, who bravely shared their stories with us, and taught us about mental health and their journeys. Here are my notes:

Petra - young minds mental health 

What causes mental health?
- Death
- Bereavement
- Pregnancy (post-natal depression)
- Abuse
- Depression
- Chemical Imbalances

Stella 17 
- found herself in a dark place at 13, went to visit GP CAMHS children adolescent mental health services. Felt suicidal and ended up in hospital, stayed at Maudsley, the mental health act and was sectioned/detained against her will 2 is up to 28 days and 3 is up to 6 months but can be renewed, the authority have the authority to give you medication and stuff. Really intense and risk taking emotions, paranoia and PTSD

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy helped them 

Joel 16
- outburst of anger and behavioural problems in year 5/6. And secondary school didn't pick up on everything until year 11 with exams. Got into a relationship then things went downhill from there, his GP wasn't helpful. The police 136 section him and handcuffed him and shoved him to the floor, and took him to the police station for 6 hours with no food or water, and dropped the charges, dropped them to the hospital and left them in the car park, was back and forth to Bethlem and Mayday, feels that it's harder for boys to say how their feeling and depends on the school and not having a good support system, it is hard to build trust and feel comfortable around people 

Toni-Anne 18 
- started at age 14, as her mum went to prison for 6 months and was left to look after her siblings, age 2 and 6v she felt very isolated and got into a dark place with her aunt, but was very overwhelming. Her aunt went into premature labour and one of them died, her school was her safe place as nobody knew, once she reached out to her friend who got her and went to her GP who diagnosed with depression, lots of therapies didn't help, but she didn't have the understanding to help and understand, her mother and family have a lot of negativity to mental health "why can't you just be normal?" Don't be afraid to reach out as it is better to put yourself out there in the long run 

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