Thursday, 16 July 2015

S.W.O.T Analysis

During the whole physical theatre project, from working to creating the project, I feel that we as a company worked very well together, and were very good at adapting to new ideas. When it came to contextual research,planning, and preparing the company really took on board all of the information and things we had learnt to become very informed characters in away that was truthful, stereotypical and un-stereotypical, and thoughtful. Everyone was able to delve into the script to try and get the best understanding available. Eventually everyone beam very good at tapping in and out of their emotions, as we each had to find our own personal trigger,memory or action that could initiate those feelings. I personally now feel a lot more connected with my emotions and that it is "ok" to let them out whilst performing. My eyes have been opened a lot more to mental health, physical theatre and how to tell Sarah Kane's story effectively.

I think we all really benefited from Young Minds coming to speak to us, as it really did break down any stereotypes that anyone had about Mental Health, and that even though we are going off the deep end and what we area doing is really intense, mental health effects anyone and there is no specification that you have to fit to have any issues. I hope our performance makes Petra and all those from Young Minds proud and not offended in anyway with the darker scenes. Those are my only worries/about weaknesses but I think the show will come together and do 4.48 justice if we all give it our all and just perform.

Throughout the project I feel that we had many opportunities to really learn and be involved with all the research on mental health as young people, giving us the chance to be informed about society. I now feel like I would potentially know "what to do" if somebody approached me with mental health, not even specifically "what to do" but I would not be afraid of trying to help or making things worse. The only potential threats could be the show not being 100% successful because of the lack of emotion. It has to feel very much real and raw. It shouldn't feel like anybody is acting their way through it, as if we are all on the same page we should just blend and connect with each other as a company, which I'm confident it will be.

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